Tuesday, August 30, 2011



Las mil y una dietas que te hacen perder peso rápida o gradualmente, también pueden llevar tu organismo a un desgaste de recursos esenciales que te debilitan y te hacen vulnerable a sufrir todo tipo de enfermedades.  Es por esto que las personas que bajan de peso con aquellos planes de “pierda peso fácilmente”, lo recuperan también muy rápido, debido a que el organismo busca abastecer los elementos perdidos durante estos planes de adelgazamiento.  Quienes se someten a estas dietas no pueden  entrenar al mismo tiempo, ya que se encuentran demasiado débiles para desempeñar las rutinas que, paralelamente con la pérdida de peso, permiten al cuerpo una apariencia firme y saludable.

Por todos es sabido que para bajar esas libras de más, se debe combinar la reducción de carbohidratos con el apropiado entrenamiento que permita al cuerpo adelgazar en forma tonificada.  Un cuerpo delgado y caído no luce mejor que un cuerpo con algunas libras de más. Entonces exígele a tu cuerpo los resultados que tú quieres, dándole las herramientas necesarias para lograrlo.   

Aquí encontrarás un kit de herramientas que te harán bajar de peso en forma rápida, sin sufrir de ansiedad, y con toda la energía necesaria para que puedas entrenar adecuadamente. Así, además de reducir medidas, tu físico se mantendrá fuerte y firme. Aquí NO HAY SACRIFICIO –  Mantén al máximo tu estado de ánimo, tu energía y tu salud, y pierde solamente lo que quieres: “Centímetros”.

Herramienta No.1   Reduce los carbohidratos, no la proteína que tu organismo necesita para entrenar y mantenerse fuerte.   Verdadera proteína de suero, no agregados de soya, huevo o todos esos ingredientes que adicionan a la proteína en polvo para rendirla.   100% WHEY GEN es 100% proteína de suero, con certificación Kosher, lo que significa que los ingredientes que decimos tener, realmente los tenemos.  Y si tienes intolerancia a la lactosa, no hay problema, la hormona PROGEN incluida en la proteína de Genetics Tech® elimina totalmente este inconveniente.  Fácil de disolver, fácil de asimilar y con deliciosos sabores a fresa, chocolate, vainilla, cookies and cream.  Quién dijo que los productos bajos en carbohidratos no podían tener un delicioso sabor?

Herramienta No.2  Quema aceleradamente la grasa justamente donde se encuentra localizada y obtén una energía extraordinaria que te permitirá entrenar tan fuerte como quieras hacerlo.  Thermo Genetics Extreme®, un quemador de grasa extremo que genera en tu cuerpo un proceso de termogénesis que transforma la grasa indeseada en energía al 100%.

Herramienta No.3  Prepara a tu organismo para absorber las vitaminas y nutrientes que necesita de todos los alimentos que consumas, y súplelo con los nutrientes perdidos durante el entrenamiento, pero asegúrate de que los absorba al 100%.  Muchos multivitamínicos que se adquieren en el mercado contienen mil y una vitaminas y minerales necesarios para tu cuerpo, pero tu cuerpo no absorbe ni el 20% de los mismos.  Con G Man ® y G Woman®  multivitamínicos, tu organismo absorbe el 100% de las vitaminas y minerales incluidos, debido a las trazas de minerales orgánicos quelatados que hacen de este producto una poderosa herramienta que le permite al organismo para mantenerse saludable.

Estos productos los consigues por separado en el mercado, por un valor de $200 dólares, nada costoso si tienes en cuenta los beneficios que obtienes; sin embargo, aquí te estoy ofreciendo el kit completo por $99.99 y el envío es gratis!*

Este kit de herramientas no podía dejar por fuera los guantes que vas a necesitar a la hora de entrenar; además de tener un elegante diseño, son de piel y con terminados de triple costura y almohadilla en la palma de la mano.  Hermosos, cómodos y duraderos.  Con la calidad que DURABODY te garantiza.  

Los guantes, tienen un precio de $20 dólares en el mercado, pero con la compra de este kit de herramientas, los recibes GRATIS!!

Toda la información de nuestros productos la encuentras en Tex Sports Magazine, una publicación de 100 páginas con información que te ayudará a mantenerte en forma; esta revista bilingüe, que tiene un precio de $9, también la llevas GRATIS con tu kit de herramientas!!!

Comienza a reducir tus medidas ya mismo, sin sacrificar tu salud.   Marca al 305 863 33 00 Ext.0621 o a través de la página web www.geneticstech.com


*USA únicamente

Oferta válida hasta agotar inventarios y por tiempo limitado.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Loss fat don’t loss energy

Loss fat don’t loss energy
By  Ivonne Ramírez

    There are plenty of weight loss diets, fast or gradually, but many of them can steal your energy and/or attack the essential nutrients your body needs to prevent diseases. Most people who use that kind of dieting gain all the weight back again because their body is trying to recover all the vitamins and minerals lost during those diet plans.  Most people involved in a “lose weight quick” diet can’t work out due to weakness caused by the diet; their body will have a flaccid look because of the fast weight loss. 

When you are losing weight you should still be able to work out in order to give your body elasticity, strength and improve your shape.  A thin and lifeless body doesn’t look better than a body with some extra pounds.  Get the best from your body by giving it the appropriate tools to get the job done.

Here, you will find the toolkit that will help you to lose weight and get healthier. You will look and feel better with a smaller size and great shape. There is NO SACRIFICE – keep your energy, your health and your strength while losing undesirable fat.  

Tool No.1 Lower your carb intake by using low carb whey protein. With 100% Whey Gen™ give your body the protein needed to keep your body strong without adding carbs to your dieting.  100% Whey Gen™, as the name implies, is made up of 100% whey protein with no egg or soy ingredients added.  Our protein is kosher certified which means that 100% Whey Gen™ has the best quality in the market. As a plus, 100% Whey Gen™ includes Pro gen™, a digestive enzyme for immediate absorption that makes this even more friendly for lactose intolerant individuals.  100% Whey Gen mixes easily and comes in several great flavors (banana, chocolate and cookies and cream).

Tool No.2 Burn fat at the source and feel a boost in strength the very first time you take Thermo Genetics Extreme™. Thermo Genetics Extreme™ is a powerful fat burner with a synergetic blend of 16 cutting edge, fat burning ingredients that have been clinically tested and proven to better target problem areas such as the abdomen, legs, buttocks, and hips.

Tool No.3 Give your body all the vitamins and nutrients lost during dieting and exercising. The market is full of multivitamins but most of them don’t have the ability to be absorbed by your body.  G Men™ and G Women™ have natural minerals that make the product 100% bio-available which helps your body absorb all the vitamins and minerals needed for you to stay healthy and strong.   G Men™ and G Women™ multivitamins are a powerful tool that gives your body the ability to lose weight with no energy lost.

You can get all this products in the market at $200 cost, not expensive if you see all the benefits your body receives but I have a great deal for you.  All the weight lose toolkit for only $99.99 and the shipping is free*

Last but not least, you will need gloves for your training, and Durabody® has the perfect pair for you!  Durabody® is a brand that blends fashion design, high quality and durability into all of its accessories.  Durabody® gloves are beautiful, comfortable and everlasting. These gloves go for $20 on the market, but when you purchase the toolkit you will receive a pair of Durabody® gloves totally FREE!! 

You can find more info about our products in Tex Sports® Magazine, a bilingual publication with 100 pages that, besides giving you info about the products, will give you key articles about training, dieting, and supplementation to help keep you in shape. The cost of the magazine is $9 but with your toolkit is FREE!!

Start losing weight right now without sacrificing your health using your new Weight Losing Tool kit.  Dial 305 863 3300 Ext.0621 or go to www.geneticstech.com

*USA only with the code FSU1 for men or FSU2 for women.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Aprendiendo a leer las etiquetas...

Cuando a mis manos llegaba un producto cualquiera, mi principal interés después del precio era saber que estaba comprando el producto indicado para mí que no iba a significar una pérdida de dinero y que realmente iba a ver los beneficios que esperaba recibir del producto para los cuales lo estaba comprando.  Para ser más específicos, un multivitamínico.  Si decía para mujeres y tenía Calcio y antioxidantes, para mí era suficiente.  Todo lo demás, eran ingredientes que formaban parte de una larga lista de elementos adicionales que no me interesaba en leer, debido a que difícilmente los podía pronunciar. 

Hoy, después de asistir a un webminar en la empresa, puedo decir que aprendí a leer y a conocer a la hora de adquirir este tipo de productos.  Aprendí que puede existir un listado tan extenso que se requeriría de una resma de papel anexa para poderlos incluir a todos, pero que si no cuenta con lo esencial para que mi cuerpo los absorba, toda esta larga lista de vitaminas pasa por mi cuerpo completamente desapercibida y se irá al inodoro de la misma forma que el dinero invertido en ese producto. 

A qué me refiero con “lo esencial para que mi cuerpo lo absorba”?  Minerales Orgánicos, dos palabras tan sencillas que representan una sola cosa: salud.  La presencia de estos minerales orgánicos en un multivitamínico hacen que el organismo los aproveche en un 100%.  Calcio, Magnesio, Vitamina C, Vitamina D y una larguísima lista de vitaminas que mi organismo necesita y de los cuales se beneficia si invierto en el multivitamínico que los contenga.

Hoy aprendí que la presencia de los minerales orgánicos puede salvarme la vida, puede curarme de cualquier enfermedad, incluyendo el cáncer y que me puede ahorrar dinero en forma incalculable. 

Como en un solo frasco que no mide más de 15 cms puedo encontrar tanta vida y tanta salud.  Hoy descubrí que en GWOMEN, encuentro 78 minerales orgánicos quelatados capaces de darme la vitalidad y la salud que no me dan productos y tratamientos que en el mercado me pueden costar fácilmente cientos de dólares.

Te invito a hacer la prueba, dos semanas son suficientes para comenzar a ver los resultados.  Más vitalidad, más energía, huesos más sanos y mejor funcionamiento de mi organismo.  Dale a tu organismo la oportunidad de recibir todo lo necesario para funcionar al 100%. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Is your WHEY PROTEIN really 100% Whey?

Many of the major protein brands in the industry label their products with the word Whey, 100% Whey, or 100% Isolate Whey Protein, but when you read below the ingredients section it states another reality.  How can you see the truth, by the section below the supplement fact panel, called other ingredients?  That section will state the other ingredients that are used in the formula.   If it states CONTAINS MILK SOY AND WHEAT INGREDIENTS, it is no longer a pure Whey Protein formula, but if it states it only CONTAINS MILK INGREDIENTS it is a pure WHEY FORMULA, because Whey only comes from MILK.
Consumers do not know how much soy, wheat, egg verses whey is in the formula, today.  It is time to read the label and to become an intelligent consumer.  Whey hast the highest biological value at 170.  Once it is mixed with soy, wheat, egg, the biological value is lowered to around 85,90.  Research has shown that Whey increments the immune system and repairs muscle tissue rapidly, but if the formula is mixed with other ingredients it lessens and slows down recovery time from the workout.
Genetics Tech 100% Whey Gen only CONTAINS MILK INGREDIENTS making it the only 100% Whey protein in the market.  They have to be true to their label because they are set to a higher standard because of Kosher Certifications, with goes far beyond governmental regulations and, because consumers deserve the best.

Monday, November 15, 2010


In weightlifting, the most injured areas are the lower back, shoulders and knees. Most related injuries are overuse injuries, and a smaller percentage are more serious. The lower back tops the list, however, and this is consistent across many sports. It no doubt signifies a human anatomical weakness.
Why use belt for training?
Back injuries are among the most frequent accidents that appear as a consequence of advanced body building exercises, nevertheless, risks can be significantly lowered if the athletes wear weightlifting belts for the support of the muscles. When do back injuries appear? Back strains are the most common problems that appear when moving in the wrong way; you will experience severe pain that can be temporary or chronic.

Weightlifting belts increase the safety level of the athlete enabling one to perform strenuous exercises without having to fear for their muscle condition. The manner in which the belts are worn is all crucial for the matter as they are similar to regular belts worn around the hips.

Weightlifting belts were initially worn by Olympic athletes, and it has become popular only in recent years to be part of the equipment of recreational lifters as well. Nowadays, wearing such belts does not depend on the skill or the experience of the lifter, the only thing that needs to be mentioned here is that the improper use of these belts can be equally harmful to one's health. Hence, you'd better make sure you get the instructions well before starting to use such an item of equipment whether for professional or recreational weightlifting purposes.

Weightlifting belts have to be worn tightly but without affecting the quality of the breathing, since correct body oxygenation is all too important for the athlete's health. Most people who come to use these belts are impressed to realize that the weight they are able to lift when wearing them is a lot higher than when not using such support at all. There is a close connection between the way the athlete breathes and the support offered by weightlifting belts: thus, always take a deep breath before lifting the weights off the rack, and release the air from the chest only when the bar is off the ground.

The abdominal muscles will take part of the stress that would otherwise be pressing against the back bones, hence, the weightlifting belts will increase the pressure inside the abdomen providing an increased support for the entire muscular and osteo-articular structure. When pushing the stomach outwards, the lower back will also push against the weightlifting belts, thus significantly reducing the chances of back injury. For anyone interested in very heavy lifting only high quality weightlifting belts are recommended, since the bigger the challenge, the greater the risk of back injury.

Wearing weight lifting gloves is a personal choice. Some people swear by them and would not go to the gym without their weight lifting gloves. Others claim they interfere with their workout. You should consider the pros and cons of weight lifting gloves before making your decision.

Weight lifting gloves improve your grip on weights. Hands get sweaty during a workout. When they do, your hands can slip. This can be annoying if you are doing pull ups and keep falling off the bar. It is also dangerous if you are holding heavy weights over your body. Weight lifting gloves make workouts safer.

Calluses and Blisters
Lifting weights over long periods of time results in calluses and blisters on the hands. Some people find these unattractive and use weight lifting gloves to preserve the appearance of their hands. Even those people who do not mind tough hands can still benefit from weight lifting gloves. A tiny blister can prevent a weight lifter from using his hands that day. Weight lifting gloves prevent blisters.

Weight lifting gloves relieve pressure placed on your hands when lifting heavy weights. This allows you to move beyond the limitations of your hands. The chest and back muscles on most people can handle much more weight than their naked hands can support. Weight lifting gloves increase the pressure capacity on your hands.

Wrist Support
Most weight lifting gloves also wrap around your wrists. This provides valuable support for the wrists while they support heavy weights. The material of the glove acts like extra ligaments and tendons while the wrist is bent backward. Weight lifting gloves help prevent wrist injuries in the gym.

Increased Lift
Weight gloves with wrist straps can make you stronger. They do this by distributing the weight being lifted across the forearms instead of making your fingers hold it all. This is especially effective in pulling exercises like dead-lifts or upright rows. Weight gloves with wrist straps allow you to lift much more weight than you could with just your hands.
There is a brand that the name says it all: DURA BODY, mind-set of a winner, durable equipment you can depend on, no matter how hard you train.  You can find gloves, belts, etc, at a reasonable price.  More information: www.durabodyusa.com

Friday, September 17, 2010

Taking Muscle Growth to a New Level!

Muscle Cell X-pander™ has been formulated with the highest quality, fast acting, muscle building ingredients available!* Our Muscle Fuel Matrix delivers a perfect blend of Creatine Ethly Ester HCL, Micronized Creatine Monohydrate, Creatine Anydrous, Di Creatine Malate and Creatine Alpha Keto-Glutarate. With all these powerful creatine ingredients combined with Glutamine, Taurine and Alpha Lipoic Acid you will be feeding your body and cells everything needed for intense workouts, endurance and massive muscle growth.*

Muscle Cell X-pander:

Our Muscle Fuel Matrix delivers your body and cells everything needed for intense workouts, endurance and massive muscle growth.

        Fast Acting
        Increased Energy Levels
        Better Creatine
·         Absorption at Cellular Level
        Increased Strength
        More Rewarding Work-Outs
        Massive Muscle Growth      More info:  http://www.geneticstech.com/products_musclecellxpander.html

Monday, August 30, 2010

Natural anabolic vs Anabolic steroids

What is the meaning?
Natural anabolic and Anabolic steroids

     For many athletes, anabolic have become theirs “big helpers to reach amazing goals” and for some of them anabolic are “best performance” dream.  Take care! If you do not have enough knowledge about the substances you are taking and the real difference between anabolic consumption vs. out of control anabolic steroids effects consumption.
Anabolic substances or processes within the human body are those that either stimulate or facilitate the growth of bodily tissues. Anabolism is the antonym of catabolism, the term describing any process that breaks down or reduces tissue. Weight training causes micro-damage to muscle tissues; this damage is a catabolic process. An anabolic process occurs when the regeneration and repair of the tissue results from new cell growth.
Hormones are the chemical messengers of the body. Hormones are produced and released by the glands that constitute the endocrine system. Each hormone is in essence a signal to an organ or a bodily process to act in a particular fashion. Examples of hormonal responses include the body's various systems being spurred into action by the production of adrenaline from the adrenal gland, and the growth of various bones and tissues being stimulated by the release of the human growth hormone from the thyroid gland.
Prohormones are chemicals that are either ingested into or created within the body. A prohormone is often described as a precursor to the formation of a hormone, without itself creating the effect of a hormone on the body. The prohormone will typically have a chemical composition that is near to that of the desired anabolic compound; enzymes produced by the liver act as catalysts in the conversion of the prohormone to anabolic hormone.
Since the refinement of anabolic steroid practices in the early 1960s, the consumption of these compounds became an approach favored by many athletes seeking to become stronger and bigger. When anabolic steroids were banned from a number of international athletic competition in the 1970s (most notably, the Olympic ban in 1976), the use of steroids by athletes evolved into a contest where the primary objective was to defeat the doping test procedures, first through sophisticated masking and diuretic techniques, and later through the use of "designer" steroids, anabolic products whose chemical composition was slightly alerted to deceive known scientific testing procedures. Nandrolone was the best known of these designer products, subsequently banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in 2003.
Since the mid-1990s, athletes engaged in strength training have sought to stimulate the production of the body's natural anabolic agent, the male sex hormone testosterone, as a means of building greater muscle size and strength, without ingesting a banned performance-enhancing substance. Prohormones were seen as the means to this objective. The commercial marketing of anabolic prohormones invariably makes reference to these supplements as being the closest product to testosterone that an athlete can obtain.
The most popular of the initial anabolic prohormones was androstenedione, more familiar to strength athletes as "andro," available in a number of different chemical formulations, each of which had an intended anabolic effect. Consumed as a powdered supplement, andro was effective in its role as a testosterone prohormone, as it was capable of converting, on average, between 5% and 6% of its mass into testosterone.  Andro also had well-established side effects, particularly the development of enlarged breast tissue in males, a condition known as gynecomastia, as well as the risk of an enlarged prostate gland.
Boldenone, an anabolic steroid used in the equine industries (horse training and horse racing), was another chemical that has been employed by body builders and strength athletes, as it is known to convert to the hormone estrogen within the liver.
Anabolic pro-hormones are ingested in different ways: as a dietary supplement, as a transdermal (skin) patch, and as slow-release formulations through pills placed under the tongue or by way of nasal sprays. Like anabolic steroids, anabolic pro-hormones are consumed in defined cycles, a period of time within which a particular dose of the product is taken. Cycles are typically calculated to produce maximum benefit with minimum side effects. Anabolic pro-hormones are often stacked, meaning that the product is taken in conjunction with other pro-hormones or strength-directed products such as creatine or protein supplements.

More info : www.texsportsmagazine.com   www.geneticstech.com